Rebecca & California

The beauty of California is that you can find beautiful locations in almost any city. The problem with California is usually getting to those locations in a timely manner.

Rebecca and her boyfriend agreed to do a photo shoot with me so I could finally test the amazingness of the 85mm lens. We agreed to meet at a location close to her city. She was getting home from work, changing and driving with her boyfriend to the park as hastily as possible so we could catch the sunset.

The issue was the traffic. With most car accidents happening after people get off work, sometimes no matter how much time you give yourself to get to a location early, it’s just not enough.

This was our issue. We all got there 20 minutes before the sunset was due to set behind the tall trees of this park. Sometimes, no matter how much practice you have, you just cant set up your equipment fast enough.

Since it was their first time taking photos, Rebecca and her boyfriend kind of had to get in the groove really quickly.  I hate doing my shoots like this, but we had no choice. I usually talk things out first and try to get the models comfortable and let them know how the shoot will go. But, we worked with what we had.

They both did really well, but sadly, the light beat us this time. We managed to get a few shots in before it got completely dark. With only, a few lights to illuminate the environment and my camera being limited to 6,400 ISO, we could simply not find any nice locations to shoot.

The flash illuminated them good enough, but the backgrounds were just falling into darkness. I knew editing would be hard and even worse, I felt bad that I would deliver bad images to Rebecca and her boyfriends after all the hard work they put into driving to the locations.

California 1

Peter 0


Pumpkin Patch 2018


Gabrielle At The Arts