Exploring The Casinos

I’ve never been a big fan of the night life in Vegas. The casinos are a marvel of their own right, but I guess after seeing them a few times, you kind of just get over them.

I’ve been to Las Vegas plenty of times in my life. I’ve walked and explored my fair share of the casinos. Taken hundreds of photos with friends and family. None worth sharing, of course.

But, this time I decided I would go and take some decent photos that would be worth posting.


I didn’t post any…even though I liked them.

It was a windy day but yet still dry and hot. Definitely uncomfortable. I had my camera but no tripod. I didn’t want to be walking around with it. I don’t even know whether they allow you to take pro style photos. I’ve heard from other photographers that security can be real A-holes about stuff like that.

Using walls, fences, garbage cans and anything with a flat surface, I placed my camera anywhere I could. I took under 20 photos that night. Ended up editing less than half. I think I only liked the ones that I edited.

I scratched that itch…


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