El Pajarete

Every country has their own traditions and customs. My culture has a ton of them. It’s something that throughout the years I have been trying to learn more of.

One of them is called El Pajarete. I’ve heard about this one since I was little but I never wanted to try it. I didn’t think it was something I would enjoy. Mainly because it involved milk and milk is something I rarely ever drink. I don’t hate it and it doesn't mess me up, it’s just that I don’t ever eat any dishes that involve me drinking milk.

So the tradition goes like this.

You have to wake up at the butt crack of dawn and head over to the local farm that has cows. Usually it’s free to get into them. You take your own cup and you pay a dollar or two to get the farmer to fill your cup with freshly squeezed milk.

The put the cup right to the tit of the cow and milk it straight into your cup. Filling it up close to the top. You get your cup, it’s so warm and it smells good, but you can't drink it yet. Then you walk over to a stand that has 2 types of alcohol.

The popular one is Mezcal. You add about a shot in the cup, stir it and then top it off with cocoa powder. Then you sit down, walk around, or converse with other locals while you drink it. There usually always some cats around that you can pet. This is probably my favorite part. They are just so happy to be around everyone and they are always friendly.

You can also ride horses if you are feeling brave enough. It’s usually always free. The farmers just enjoy having company over.

I was amazed at just how good it tasted. It’s defiantly something that I would love to try again. The only issue is that it’s way too damn early for me.

Word of advice, that shot creeps up on you, so 1-2 cups is probably the max I recommend anyone to have.


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