Inez From San Fransisco

It’s not often that I get someone drive out to me for a photo shoot. So when Inez reached out to me, I made sure I was available to do her shoot.

We agree that it was going to be more of an urban shoot. We meet at the Art’s District with the intention of shooting in just 2 locations.

She brought her friend with her that was also her partner in the music industry. She wanted some photos for her release party so I knew they had to be very stylized.

They brought these cool bikes as props. The sun was really bright so I had to shoot my flash bare pointing straight at them and as closely as possible. I think we got some decent shots.

She wanted a shot of her rolling a blunt, but I was too far away and it didn’t come out that good. Plus she rolled it up really quick.

The best shots came out as soon as we stepped into the second location. It was in the alleyway and it was in the shade. My flash really shined here.

There was a cut up fence and she went through it and into this little area. I shot through the fence and helped her make a few poses. It was a bit hard focusing on her because of the fence, but I through it in manual focus and stopped down to f5.6 to make sure she would be in focus.

These photos came out amazing. Definitely something that you can see in a CD cover.

After that was done I took a few of her partner as well. They also came out great. He was super shy but I managed to get some great images.


Alexandra’s Family Maternity Shoot

