Atlanta, Georgia

I was so excited to drive to this town. It was by far the most exciting thing on my To Do List for this year.

I drove 6 hours through heavy rain and sketchy roads to get to Atlanta. There was no hotels available in the city so I had to get one on the outskirts.

The first night I got to the city really late. I didn’t even eat dinner. I had to rest up because I was meeting with my friend the following day.

The thing I noticed right away was that the weather was exactly how it was portrayed in The Walking Dead. It would rain for an hour and then it’d be sunny and then out of the blue, it’d be raining again.

It don’t mind the rain but Atlanta rain is heavy. It’s feels like 1 drop is enough to cover your whole body in water. And with the constant sun popping in and out, humidity is prevalent.

We explored the city as much as possible. We drove through it and saw the bad parts and the nice parts. There were people everywhere in this city. It was alive.

After we parked, we headed to find something to eat. We rode scooters around for a bit and then decided to eat in this cool restaurant that had seating outside.

Even though it sprinkled a bit, no one seemed to care. The food was amazing. We had some beers and then decided to keep exploring.

Just then the rain really came down. We had no choice but to brave through it. We walked and ran through the streets getting soaked. To our surprise, we were not the only ones doing this. There were plenty of people who walked the streets not caring that they were getting soaked.

There is just something about this city that feels like people are more laid back. Rain is usually a reason why people don’t step out of their houses, but not here. It doesn’t seem to even be taken into consideration.

There was a big Ferris Wheel in the middle of the city that was still riding people even thought it was pouring. It would have been something fun to try but the lines were really long and we were already tired.

We tried out an ice cream shop that made their own ice cream and had been doing so for years. It was delicious of course.

The next day we explored an area called Four Corners. It was the hipster area of Atlanta. It was really cool. It was still raining so we took cover in some bars and stores. There was just so much to see.

My one and only goal was to visit Chrome Yellow. Even though I don’t drink coffee, Chrome Yellow has been on my list for a few years. I took some photos of the store and got so many stickers.

We sat outside and drank and ate our treats. The rain came own on us just as we were finishing our drinks. It was so much fun.

We headed to explore the town some more. There were so many areas where people gather and hangout. There is absolutely no way to explore everything in a few days. You need a whole month to truly enjoy what the city has to offer.

When the night hit, the rain came down extremely hard again. There was a cemetery with a lot of mausoleums and we decided to go in and explore a bit. It was so dark, wet and windy that I could barely see a few feet ahead of me.

So we got lost.

Driving slowly through the narrow street, I was nervous I’d hit a tombstone or something. But a few minutes later a security guard came and he guided us out. It was an experience for sure.

ATL… You were great.


Baton Rouge, Louisiana

