Washington DC

For most people in the US of A, visiting Washington DC is in their checklist. For me, it was never something I really thought about. It sounded cool, but it didn’t sound cool enough to travel thousands of miles to go stare at some buildings.

But since I was passing by, I decided to take half a day detour to check out these old buildings.

From what I heard, it’s normally pretty difficult to find parking close to the main area, but today was even harder because President Trump had a small speech and people were coming from all over to hear it.  So I had to park really far. So far that I had to take a bus just to get close to the White House.

I had to get off pretty far because the bus wasn't getting any closer to where I wanted to go. I explored a bit before I got to where all the buildings were at. With security on high alert, it all just felt so strange. People really weren’t smiling and security and police were being a little rude.

I got to see some of the cool buildings and monuments, but didn’t really get to enjoy them. There were just so many people that it was extremely difficult.

So after a bit of being pushed and shoved around by crowds of people, I decided to walk to away from all the people and find a market where I could buy a Red Bull. Once I finally bought one, I decided to walk back to my car.

I took a few more photos through the monuments and found a cool little area with bars and restaurants that wasn't too crowded. I had a beer and some good pizza and hangout for about an hour.

It was a short walk to my car after that and a few hours to my next destination.



