
There was only one thing about this state that made me excited. The NASA Space Center. And sadly, it was closed the whole time I was there.

The whole state is green. Everywhere I went there was green. Rolling hills with so much green, mountains full of green, empty lands full of green. I never thought I’d say this but I was tired of seeing so much green.

I think the only cool thing about this state was the rolling green hills. They reminded me of the original Sonic Game.

Huntsville is a really old city. Creepy for the most part. I went off road several times to look for some interesting locations for photos and I would come across some random houses where people still lived in them. It’s as if they were trying to hide from society.

Birmingham is probably the most modern city, but it’s still pretty bland. There's nothing memorable about this place. I don’t have any fond memories of good food either. I think everything here was average at best.

It’s so flat in some places that you can see the thunder from miles and miles away. I took a photo over a few lakes within the 2 weeks I was here where it was clear skies above me, but thunder miles and miles away.

Everything is always so muggy and you can't help but sweat all the time. People tend to stick to themselves and avoid eye contact. Most places are old.

South Alabama is pretty basic too. The beaches aren't anything exceptional. They’re short beaches and empty for the most part. There's crocodiles in swamps and in parks close to the water. Mosquitos and bugs everywhere.

If anything, the older buildings look cool and worth taking photos of.



