Void The Color

I’ve noticed that my editing style tends to change depending on how I’m feeling during that time. From bright and colorful to faded and undersaturated, the mood of the photograph is reflected by the mood I am in. Happy or sad isn’t what determines the mood, it seems to be more of the weather.

Hiking in the gloomy and rainy days has been a one of my favorite things to do right now. Taking the camera out in the rain is something I’ve been doing late. Testing my luck and hoping I don't get poured on while the camera is out or that water doesn’t leak into my backpack.

I’ve gone on this hike too many times to count now. Morning, midday, evening, hot or cold. I’ve experienced it. What seems to be my favorite is the recent times when the clouds are rolling over the huge mountain and casting darkness over every living creature below them.

Using the 210mm lens to reach the places where I cant go to physically has been a great joy lately. That and the combination of removing color from the photos has led to some of my favorite images thus far.

I’m not sure how many more rainy hikes I’ll be taking my camera with me, but this experience has been one of my all time favorites.


85mm Beach Day


Claremont Loop