Claremont Village

The sky was covered in grey clouds. It looked like rain was going to pour any minute, but the air didn't feel as cool as it should have.

I decided to ride my bike down to the Claremont Village and begin my Portrait100 project. I figured the weather was comfortable enough for people to be somewhat happier than the previous +100F degree days.

It was my very first time going up to people and asking them for their photo so I was very nervous. I kept reciting my approach over and over in my head so I'd be prepared when I asked people for their portrait.

I walked around for about an hour and didn't find many people who fit my criteria:

- Not in a rush

- Friendly looking

- Looked like they used social media

To my surprise, most of the people were over 50 and didn't seem like the type that used social media. By the end of my run, I only managed to get 2 girls. I fumbled through the words and I took eye contact away for a bit. Not bad for a first.

At the end of the day I managed to take some decent shots of the town and 1 entree to my project.

I will be returning...




The First Shoot Ever