Arizona Mexico Boarder Town

This city is about an hour drive from Tucson. There were a few tourist things to do here so I figured I’d check it out. There's some historical buildings and towns as well.

Sadly, most things were closed.

The only thing opened was the tourist little shopping center. Filled with restaurants, bars and shopping, it was a quick visit.

It was definitely interesting and somewhat unique. I took a lot of photos while I walked around it.  There was live music in all of the restaurants so that was cool. Sadly, the musicians finished playing their last song as soon as I ordered my food.

I drove around the small dirt roads outside of the city but there wasn't much to see. A bunch of empty flat land with some boarder patrols keeping a sharp eye on my every move.

I decided it wasn't wise to set up my camera and take photos of the sunset here. So I left the town way before that I had originally planned to.

I was bored in my hotel and decided to take some photos of myself. When that didn’t satisfy me, I grabbed the tripod and camera and headed out.

I found a decent spot and took some photos of the stars along the road. I wanted to capture the cars moving through the frame.

Can’t really complain too much about this little trip even though I didn’t get to experience the historical side of the city.



